Guatemalan Globes

To Be Grateful

To Be Grateful

I am so grateful to be alive from  triple negative breast cancer making 11 years TNBC free and making 55 very soon.  I am grateful to have also survived 7 years free of Chondrosarcoma (primary bone cancer) in my pelvis as well as being an ovarian previvor for seven years due a familial history of […]

The Fear in Owning Our Power

The Fear in Owning Our Power

Thankful Thursday. My friend Annie Emens McDaniel sends out her Monday Motivational email. This week it hit home. Let Your Light Shine was her topic this week. In it she talks about FEAR that holds us back from owning the gifts God gave us.  She also has a beautiful quote from Marianne Williamson which I […]

Art Vulnerability & Witnessing

Art Vulnerability & Witnessing

What I love about expressive arts (ExA)is there is no judgment, you don’t look at the art to question the artist on what and why. Because we are all human and if we’ve never been trained in art, we can be very self-critical, doubt ourselves for no reason and lose confidence as we are building […]

What Sets You Apart from Others?

What Sets You Apart from Others?

En Casa Art Advocacy Story… Advocacy doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and perseverance. It’s also a commitment and comes from building relationships. And those relationships tend to be about a connection of people and an openness to give and receive of time and energy.  My business life taught me to be a better advocate […]

Soulful Sunday Breast Plate

Soulful Sunday Breast Plate

Soulful Sunday En Casa… St. Patrick’s Breast Plate 💒 “I arise today through the strength of heaven, light of sun, radiance of the moon, splendor of fire, speed of lightning, swiftness of wind, depth of sea, stability of earth, firmness of rock… Christ with me. Christ before me. Christ behind me. Christ in me. Christ […]

Death Becomes Nature & Survival

Death Becomes Nature & Survival

I got use to our cat leaving us “gifts” at our old house. But I wasn’t prepared yesterday for this baby squirrel to be left on the back patio of our new house. Not only was it left there, but whatever was flying with it had ran into the glass door and splattered itself too. […]

Mirror Imaging

Mirror Imaging

This week and next I will have my annual scans. I’ve learned to be real about them, but not focus and worry about them. I’ve also learned not to carry or hold worry about the worry that other people bring with them to my situation when I let them know it’s scan time. Because if […]

A Bouquet of Acceptance

A Bouquet of Acceptance

Like Frida Khalo, I feel I do my best art work when I’m in pain and in bed. Whether that’s releasing emotional or physical pain, the detail and energy of that pain goes into the strokes and movement of the lines, ink, and spreading of the lead. My art and the strokes are where I […]

Trusting Tuesday

Trusting Tuesday

I’ve tried to take the high rode for myself by responding with a smile when someone says something hurtful. If People have judged me for being happy, yes, a freaking happy person; I’ve tried my darn best to smile, even when it was sooooo hard! It’s  important to trust those we know we can trust […]

Emotional Body

Emotional Body

I am that woman. I am the dancer. I am the lower part of your body that lives in pain. I need movement. I am and want more color. I ask for feminine ways. I am the blood the runs from the top all the way to the bottom through you. I am a complex […]

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