En Casa

Art & Planet Wellness

Create. Express. Explore. Heal.

Earth Mama


Caring for the BODY includes doing activities that improve and protect our physical and biological health and well-being. The Body includes my bones, organs, gut, hair, ligaments/muscles/tendons and skin.

For me that has always involved a healthy body focus before, during and after cancers. 



Caring for the MIND includes doing activities that improve and protect our emotional, psychological and biological health and well-being. The human brain is physically separated into two cerebral hemispheres, and keeping both sides of the brain active is valuable to self-care and cognitive health. 



Caring for the SPIRIT includes doing activities that improve and protect our soul’s health and well-being.  For me that has always involved a healthy spirit even before I spent 10 years fighting multiple cancers.

To me the spirit and the soul are interconnected.



Caring for the PLANET includes doing activities at home, play and work along with the buying healthy/safe products we use. During my career in the environmental field, I assisted many public and private entities to implement sustainable practices for a healthier planet. I walk the talk.

Keeping a Healthy Body

ROAR Dance
  • Being conscious of what is put on and in a body and conscious of the products purchased.
  • Daily or weekly exercise or movement in some way.
  • Drinking plenty of water, making it the most influential and consumed beverage every day.
  • Proper nutrition and cooking my own food.
  • Taking medically supervised supplements through bloodwork that looks for deficiencies in my body for guidance in taking the right ones my body needs and will absorb.

Maintaining a Healthy Mind


The RIGHT brain is the center of emotions, intuition and visualization. The LEFT brain is the center of logical and sequential side. For me a healthy mind was always important even before I spent 10 years fighting multiple cancers. Those include things like:

  • A daily or weekly meditation or prayer practice.
  • A daily or weekly art practice: movement/dance, sound/music, journaling/poetry/writing, visual arts, or storytelling/theatre.
  • Doing puzzles or playing games, both board and digital games.
  • Being outside in nature, and just breathing in and out.
  • Picking up and reading a good book weekly, monthly or quarterly.

Caring for the Spirit

spirit 2
  • A daily or weekly meditation or prayer practice.
  • A daily or weekly art practice.
  • A daily or weekly walk in nature.
  • Connecting with the right and like-minded people who support you and build you up.
  • Doing activities that bring you joy, make you laugh, to connect you to your own inner spirit and soul.

Caring for the Planet


Responsible choices for a healthier planet include:

  • HOME: Know what’s recyclable in your community’s program. Not running water excessively and turning it off when not in use. Turn of lights in rooms not being used.
  • PLAY: Look for recycling bins. Reduce the amount of waste you bring to the outdoors by packing smart. Encourage your local recreational facilities and sports complexes to look into Zero Waste practices.
  • WORK: Reduce, reuse, recycle and buy-recycled content for your home office. If you work in an office, encourage your business/owner to look into recycling at work and ways to prevent and reduce, and therefore, potentially costs.

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