The Most Important Muscle

Protecting Your Heart ♥️

If you’ve had chemo, radiation and a lot of anesthesia as well as are in menopause after breast cancer, your heart matters.  Did you know that heart disease is the #1 killer of women and researchers are finding some of those losses are because of heart damage after breast cancer treatment. Yes, heart damage from chemo or radiation.  Menopause also raises cholesterol levels in some women who never had the issue before. Diet is only 20% of what impacts cholesterol levels.

So, every 2-4 years I have my heart (circular heart scan) and my arteries (CT scan) checked. This CT scan today will check the calcium in my coronary arteries. My heart, the muscle itself matters just as much as the other muscles that we typically pay more attention to with exercise.

Insurance doesn’t cover the coronary  calcium test, but it’s out of pocket cost is typically $99. That’s the cost of 5-10 bottles of wine or about 8, six packs of microbrew beer.  Do the math. It’s worth it.  Your heart does matter.

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